1. Beautiful wives respect their husbands in public and in private. Ugly wives insult their husbands in private and embarrass him in public.
2. Beautiful wives know when to talk, how to talk and where to talk. Ugly wives open their mouths any where, any how at anytime without thinking.
3. Beautiful wives support their husband's vision, ugly wives run down his vision.
4. Beautiful wives cover their husbands' weaknesses, ugly wives exposes their husbands' weaknesses to every body including social media.
5. Beautiful wives assist their husbands financially, physically, morally and in every way they can to make his life easier and better, ugly wives keep their resources to themselves and make outrageous demands on their husbands till he drops dead!
6. Beautiful wives respect and honour their in-laws, ugly wives disrespect and dishonor their in-laws.
7. Beautiful wives are hard working, ugly wives are lazy.
8. Beautiful wives spend time with their family, ugly wives spend all their time gossiping around town and doing irrelevant things.
9. Beautiful wives are neat, clean and smart, ugly wives are rough, dirty and laid back.
10. Beautiful wives are passionate in bed and do not deny their husbands sex, ugly wives always give excuses and are very cold in bed.
11. Beautiful wives feed their husbands well, ugly wives starve their husbands.
12. Beautiful wives pray for their husbands, ugly wives curse their husbands.
13. Beautiful wives are quick to forgive their husbands, ugly wives are bitter and malicious.
14. Beautiful wives dress to attract their husbands, ugly wives dress to get their friends jealous and seduce other women's husbands.
15. Beautiful wives are godly, ugly wives are deadly.
What makes a woman really beautiful is not her oval shape face, dreamy eyes, pointed nose, full sensuous lips, big breasts, tiny waist and large hips, what makes a woman really beautiful to her man is her character, godliness, kindness, selflessness, unconditional love, mercy and compassion.
It's good to look great. Many women are endeavoring to look more beautiful by the day. The astronomical growth of make up business is a good testimony to this but very few women make up their character, only a small percentage of wives are truly beautiful in their marriages hence the unending crises many are experiencing in their marriages. It's okay to seduce your husband. It's okay to wear all those sexy clothes for him. It's okay to turn 360° in bed and perform all manner of sex styles out of this world, if you do not add character to your seduction and physical beauty you may still lose him to a woman who has the character you lack.
That is why you will hear a lot of women say, "a cheat will cheat no matter how much sex you give him". Yes, you are correct, sex alone doesn't keep a man. It's easy to give a man sex, it's hard to show him love, mercy and compassion when he falls short and makes mistakes. Lots of women are bitter, revengeful, malicious, disrespectful and wonder why their husbands don't find them attractive anymore. Your real beauty is in your character.
A woman may not be so physically endowed but if she is godly and practices 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 in her marriage, her husband will find her beautiful, sexy, attractive and completely irresistible.
Every time I am kind, loving and compassionate towards my husband, Adewunmi falls head over heels in love, praises me silly and can't keep his handsome hands off me. I become the most beautiful woman he has ever seen in his entire life.
Their is no magic to any great marriage. Obedience to the word of God is the secret behind the bliss, joy, peace and progress in every godly home.
When we obey God and do what He says we should in our marriage through His word -the Bible, we will become beautiful, highly irresistible to our spouses and our marriages will be heaven on earth.
You will not lose your marriage in Jesus name.
Thanks for reading.
God bless you. Cheers!
©Seun Oladele.
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