Wednesday 2 May 2018

Ziyanda Mbobo: Dream chaser!

Born in the Eastern Cape, Ziyanda Mbobo; is a dreamer. Her dream to reach the top has always keep her going as she follows her passion of becoming better than yesterday to egoli (Johannesburg).

The data analyst at one of the financial institutions in South Africa is currently keeping her dream of becoming a leader in her community. She is currently running to clinch the top position as a contestant at this year’s Miss Eagle South Africa. 

Miss Eagle is a women empowerment contest that is using "Beauty with Brains and Purpose" platform to empower young women to
grow and develop themselves by making positive impact in their communities; according to media release by organizer.

The competition is first of its kind and Ziyanda is filing to be the first woman to be crowned and represent her community in various ways outlined by Miss Eagles South Africa to further give voice to women across the country.

We sat down with Ziyanda to shed more light on her journey so far and how she plans to be the very woman to arouse others to the common goal; below is our conversations:

Q: Thank you coming to chat with us and can you tell us more about yourself?

A: Thank you for having me. I’m Ziyanda Mbobo. I’m a contestant on Miss Eagles South Africa 2018. I’m originally from the Eastern Cape in East London and I moved to Joburg this year. So, I decided to join the competition because is something that I always wanted to do; be a part of a pageant that empowers women, society and makes South Africa a better place essentially.

Q: What do you do as a 9-5 job?

A: I work at FNB; I’m an analyst. I analyze data for them and that’s my 9-5 job.

Q: Apart from that what other leadership role are you exposing yourself to?

A: I think this is the main thing that I tried to focus on this year. A lot of other things don’t give me as much exposure into the community but if I can mention one; church is definitely one. I like it because it allows me to interact with people, helps me to get to know them on personal level and see where help them.

Q: What passion do you or what are the things that give you drive?

A: Definitely interacting with people, engaging with them to see where I can help and assist. Also, encouraging society to get involve that we can all make our community a better place because if one person does it it won’t have a great impact but if we can all get involved then we going to have a much big impact; you know what I mean? So, yeah. I believe in a community, in a team; we can a big difference.

Q: What are the things you want to get involve with in a community or society?

A: I definitely want to get involve in women and children abuse; whether they have been neglected in any way. So at the beginning of the year, I joined an event that Sobred Heart in Mamelodi in Pretoria. And what we did in the community was that we had a health defense classes, we gave pepper-spray, we spoke to the women, children and men. We spoke about safety and a whole bunch of things. That’s essentially what I like to get more involved with; how to empower the women and children in the society and also the men if they come through.

Q: What stage do you think South African Government is towards taking care of women and children in our communities?

A: I think they are doing their best and what’s nice about South Africa is a lot of people are taking matters into their own hands in the sense that people are starting their own organisation to fill in the gaps. I think that’s important as we can’t wait for government to do everything for us. The church also need to get involved and what was nice about the event that I went to was that there was another organisation call “Not In My Name”; they also joined in to help women and children. They don’t only focus on women and children but they saw that’s something that  is lacking in our society and they joined in. They didn’t wait for the government to send out information or start the event. People took initiative and I think that’s what we need in South Africa. We need people that are gonna be like “this is the problem: this is how we think we can solve it and let’s do it together.”

Q: Do you think your qualification for semifinals at the on-going Miss Eagle South Africa (Brand Ambassador) would help the organisation in reaching out to more women and children in our communities?

A: Yes, I definitely think  it would help and also I think at semifinals, the difference between contestants and semifinals is brand ambassador helps you to get you out there. In the contestants a lot of people don’t know me but hopefully in the brand ambassador level doing interviews, being online, being on Facebook; people would know who the contestants are but by the time we are in semifinals and finals people have to vote. They would be like “I like this person or whatever!” So, yeah!

Q: So you wanna see yourself in the semifinals?

A: Yes, I wanna see myself and also in the finals!

Q: So what do you want people to do in other for you to see that dream come through?

A: I would really like to see people vote, follow me on my Facebook page and Instagram.

Ziyanda needs to keep her dream alive and is our duty to respond positively. Please follow through those social media details below, show her your esteem support and don’t forget to vote.

Facebook: Ziyanda Mbobo Miss Eagle South Africa 2018 Contestant
Instagram: ziyandambobo_mesa2018
Vote by SMSing (R3): Ziyanda to 35334

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