Tuesday 4 July 2017

Braython's pursuit of success.

Braamfontein Alive spent some quality time on the 30th June, 2017 with a Ghetto and Urban rapper, Braython Nhlapo at our office. The young, talented and performing rap artist shed more lights into his journey into discovery of his rap music career as a medium of uniting his ghetto and urban lifestyles by bridging the gap between the two.

Braython, also known as Lil Ryzer has been performing as an urban rapper for many years; traveling from cities to cities across South Africa, showcasing his piece of gift everywhere he goes.

We decided to make Lil Ryzer as our creative talented artists for the month of June and below is our discussion:

Q. Can you please introduce yourself?

A. Okay. I am Braython Nhlapo I go by the name Lil Ryzer. Born in Cape Town. Let me say, I was born in the hood but then my mum took me out and I got raise in the urban area. So I got experience, more background living in the hood and living in the urban area and because the way I was raised I came up to become a rap artist-Urban rapper.

Basically, started from both backgrounds, from the hood and urban lifestyles.

Q. Sorry to cut you short, I was about to ask. How did you come into rap or are you the one that finds rap or rap finds you?

A. I can basically say rap found me. In that way like I just saw the whole hip-hop game and I've been following it a lot and I just decided like it needs to be different. I need to become more icon to many young people especially the drug problem and our youths been so lost and everything. 

I just have to find a way of speaking to them, speak to every race in every nation through my music in the ghetto.

Q. Is music in the family or how do you come about it?

 A. My grandfather was a jazz player. He was into music. My uncle as well but they never took it this far as I came. They told me cuz when I decided I wanted to follow the road of an artist. My uncle told me one thing "road of an artist is very hard and very difficult in time you gonna face the hectic path of suffering and stuff but be prepared to drink the cup!"

I didn't understand it but today I can say "hey, I know what he was talking about now!"

 Q.  So far so good, how easy or difficult is the road has been for you?

 A. It's been hard, it's been really, really hard but all I can say I just trusted in God cuz I know I couldn't get this far without Him.

Q. Can you shed more lights into the journey so far?

A. What you mean?

Q. I'm saying, can you relate or share some of your past experiences?

A. Okay. When I came to Joburg, I had to face the street and stuff. It was hectic and I, I can just say is God who has always being there because people just came from where I didn't expect to assist me and people that believe in me so is being really hard. Hasn't being no walk in the park; that I can tell you. It's been a long walk and I'm still walking.

Q. What kind of urban rap do you do?

A. I call myself an urban rapper. I take the style of ghetto rap, metal electron music cuz  I have love for electron music, metal and the ghetto side as well. So I took all those three and I combine as one. What I want, I want people to enjoy themselves listening to my music at the same time  reaching to them. So you are not just having fun, you also won't leave in empty hand. That's something that leaves a mark in your heart.

Q. What brought you into linking ghetto/urban rap together?

A. Ghetto rap is more about gangster rap."About I've been suffering and now I'm finally there and I don't care F***, F***,F*** that....."but urban side with a rock side is more alternative and I just want to bring the two together because we live in such a diverse country!

I wanted to unite all nations as one to listen to my music and to put aside the differences that people have and realize there's no difference between us, you're not better than I am and we are all human.

Q. What should communities expect in your pursuit of success in urban rap music?

A. Well, there's a lot to expect. I'm excited and I'm looking forward to working on new stuffs, doing collabs with different people. People into rap music, rock. If you keen to feature I'm always there. I'm not about "I can't do feature with you!" 

Music is art and art is always been different and I like the creativity of different kinds of people, different cultures working on a song, just having something amazing coming to life.

Q. Who among South African rappers would you like to collaborate with?

A. Well, looking at people like: Da les, HHP, AKA and so on. I have no more words for that but watch the space.

Q. Which rapper(s) in the international scenes you look forward to working with?

A. It would be guys like: Linkin Park, Eminem, Dr. Dre. I look up to those guys when I was younger. They're always be great icons to me. I hope one day I'll get the chance to get featured with them.

Q. Who are those guys in South African rap music have you looked up to or looking up to?

A. Like Pro-kid. I look up to him because he's been so humble. Everything that he has been doing. I believe being humble is what helps you in life if you gonna be proud and  think "nobody can over see me!" I can say Pro-kid and Zola, they are basically main guys that I always want to be like or look up to.

Q. What challenges in music industry is more a threat in your career?

A. There were times that I thought things were getting so difficult that I didn't have recording time. Basically, no gigs, people trying to shut you down on this and that. A lot of thoughts "May be this is not meant for me!" But then it just kept coming back to me. Music is a journey, a journey I can't explain. My life is just a journey!

Q. What would say to up-coming artists so they don't go through much challenges?

A. I'm going to say; nothing is meant to be easy because if it's meant to be easy you won't appreciate it. But when it becomes harder and you suffered for it you will value it more than life itself. So it comes with hard work and motivation.

Q. Who among South African female celebrities would you like to date?

A. I've really not yet pointed my finger on that. I'd say, I'd rather date somebody that's not into the same industry as I am because basically is a job for me and also a dream.

Q. Which South African female celebs you have a crush on?

A. Not really!

{There's was a hug surprise from the interviewer}

Q. What are you saying actually?

A. It would probably be on an international level; saying Nicki Minaj.

Q. Where do you see yourself in 5 years' time?

A. I see myself being abroad in the UK, Europe, traveling everywhere; reaching out to those people that haven't heard me. Those people that happen to download my music and I've never seen me. That's what I'm hoping to achieve in five years' time.

Q. Where can people find you on social media, download you music or book you for a performance.


Contact: info@braamfonteinalive.co.za or 074 707 5793

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