Wednesday 5 October 2016


Many pastors complain about money, and that their members are not many, that is not the real problem with the church members .

But the problem is the problem of that pastor. You need the real power of God, this generation of ours wants to see miracles before they believe, and you can't perform miracles without the power of God.

And i must tell you the truth, if you really want to get to the kingdom of God you MUST not add any other power to your faith than the power of God.

How can you get the power of God??? Read mark 9 vs 29. And he said unto them, this kind can come forth by nothing, but by PRAYER and FASTING.

Where the problem lies is this, many pastors wants miracles without fasting and praying.,,, Never.
Before Jesus Christ was even allowed to perform miracles HE prayed with fasting for 40 good days and nights.

You can't perform miracles when you are busy watching TV and home videos. Money is not your problem now, you have the problem of lack of POWER.

Apostles including J. A. Babalola prayed and fasted,. i come to realize that M.F.M was influenced by the anointing of Apostle Babalola.

And for many of you who does not like VIOLENT PRAYER. The enemy of your soul(Satan) can reduce you to nothing.

If you want to die and you want your name to be in book of remembrance for good and positive IMPACT stop being spiritually lazy.

I think that is to wise pastors, no one can give you power of God than God HIMSELF. Please wake up pray for the power.

And for church members, you can get spiritual fire and overtake your pastor, afterall JESUS CHRIST overtook the law of Moses. And Samuel was spiritually concerned than Eli, Eli was a FAT priest, while Samuel was a thin prophet with correct power of God.

This is not talking church now but power of God, but if YOUR church can not CHANGE you then CHANGE YOUR for there is no church in heaven were we are going.

I say it with all my mouth that Dr. Olukoya My father in the lord JESUS CHRIST saith and believeth that no miracle can happen except by fasting and praying... Mark 9 vs 29, Mathew 6 vs 33, Luke 10 vs 19.

Edited By Olagunju, Success Taiwo
By Ayobamidele Joshua Arijesu.

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