Monday, 12 September 2016

Cries on Evangelism: People in my community.

1) "O Lord give me souls or take my soul".---Whitefield
2) " Some men's passion is for gold, others men's passion is for fame, but my passion is for souls".---William Booth
3) " By the help of God they shall hear if it costs me every drop of my life's blood, here am I Lord, send me! Send me!"----Charles Cowman
4) "Father give me these souls or I die".---John Hyde
5) " Give me Scotland else I die".---John Nox
6) "Give me a hundred preachers that fear nothing but God and hates nothing but sin and we would change the world. I don't give a straw weather they be clergymen or laymen"---John Wesley.
These men were so consumed with passion and fire for the souls of men and their eternal destination that they left everything in reckless abandonment of self to preach the gospel wherever they could find anything that had a breathing soul.
The supernatural comes on those who are on fire for the souls of men. The power of God accompanies the soul winner. This issue is very critical because we have been quiet for too long.
John Wesley in his days had up to 4-5 open air crusades in a day which lasted sometimes up to 2hrs per sermon and amazingly crowds would be drawn by the power of God, and it was said that most days those who came where so much filled with Gods presence that they laid on the ground for up to 27hrs after the message ended, lot of screams of people crying and openly confessing their sins occurred as he preached, Wesley wasn't a fluent speaker but because he obeyed God and had an unsatisfying hunger for souls God honor him with His presence and power, his words were said to cut more quicker than any sword ever forged and more deeper than the Moravian arrows.

And by the time he was about to leave this planet he had preached over 40,000 recorded message, compiled four dictionaries, join his brother in writing the Sacred Songs & Solo's just to name a few. And he did all this riding on a horse back even inspite of persecutions and afflictions.
A 100 yrs after Wesley death, a noble man came into a small England village looking for alcoholic beverages and finding none he asked a black slave why he couldn't find alcohol in this entire village, and the black slave replied: "Master, a 100 yrs ago someone by the name John Wesley passed through this village, since then all alcoholic shop closed because no one would buy".
What a life! After a 100 years his impart was still felt because of His ceaseless passion for souls even till today we can't forget him.

What are you passionate about? Church growth? fame? money? a job? the poor? youth ministry? a business? All these are good but a passion for souls is what we need, " Lord, give me America else I die", "set me ablaze for souls Lord", " give me souls or take my soul", that should be our focus and heart cry each day.
Christianity without Evangelism is useless, Church leadership without a endless passion for souls is useless, passion for souls is all that counts! Open your eyes and see the people around you trooping blindly to hell, what are you doing to help them?
We must all wake up to our commission.

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